A Visa Purchasing card will help you simplify your purchasing process, reduce paperwork, and save time and money.
Visa Purchasing is the optimal solution for mid-sized companies as well as multinational corporations using traditional methods of agreement, paying and tracking purchases.
The card is also perfect for organizations looking to cut costs, optimize their accountability purchases and operations, and improve delivery and business processes.
Visa Purchasing offers your company the following benefits:
- Ease of use and reduction of paperwork
- Cost reduction• Additional cost control
- Detailed reporting and analytics
- The card is accepted worldwide
Ease of use and reduction of paperwork
A Visa Purchasing card helps you reduce the number of orders, purchase orders, bills and checks. An electronic system of control and reporting allows employees to buy the necessary goods for the company without long approvals and time-consuming documentation.
Cost reduction
Visa's commercial solutions help optimize business processes and reduce costs. With a Visa Purchasing card, the company can save, on average, from $8 to $27 per transaction through data processing costs (according to Aberdeen Group data, 2006).
Additional cost control
Businesses using a Visa Purchasing card can easily track and control costs, set spending limits for suppliers, and use that knowledge to make deals on better terms. The card also allows you to manage employee expenses without signing the paper for each transaction.
Detailed reporting and analytics
Visa's financial statements allow you to track card transactions. Transaction reports are compiled according to your needs. The information can be uploaded to your accounting and/or financial system for quick and accurate purchasing costs analysis.
The card is accepted worldwide
Visa Purchasing is accepted in millions of locations worldwide and in the Visa ATM network. With the card, you can buy anything from office supplies to computers and pay for corporate services from recruitment to catering.
Contact your bank for more information and to get a Visa Purchasing card.Category names are conditional. Calculations and estimates are approximate. Visa International Service Association (USA) is not responsible for any information errors, incompleteness, delay or any action taken in reliance on the information contained herein.