If you have lost your Visa card, Visa may be able to block your account, send a replacement card and provide emergency cash.
Be welcomed. Your Visa Gold card is accepted at tens of millions of merchants worldwide.
Get cash when you need it. Your Visa Gold card is accepted at over 2 million ATM locations worldwide.
Insurance against loss, theft or accidental damage to goods for 365 days from the date of purchase.
Up to 2 times a year - more than 1000 business lounges all over the world.
Get up to 35% discount on car rental from AVIS, provided that you pay with a premium Visa card.
By paying with your premium Visa card you provide yourself with full travel insurance.
Visa provides the Visa Concierge Service for Visa Infinite cardholders. Take advantage of the many services available around the clock by phone or online from anywhere in the world.